In this view you can let RsyncUI assist in creating ssh-keys and setup global ssh keypath and identityfile, either utilizing default values or set your own. There is some more info about ssh.

SSH keys

Local ssh keys found

If on RsyncUI has found local ssh keys.

Default values for ssh are ~/.ssh/id_rsa and portnumber 22. It is not required to set your own values for key path and identityfile if default values are used. If there are no local ssh keys selecting the Create button will create the keys. If ssh keys are found, either default values or by the user set keypath and identityfile, RsyncUI will mark it.

Set ssh keypath and identityfile

The user can set a selected ssh keypath and identityfile which applies to all configurations.

  • portnumber, which ssh communicates through
  • keypath + identityfile, user selected if other than default

If global values are set, this is what the ssh parameter within the rsync command looks like

-e  "ssh -i ~/.ssh_keypath/identityfile -p NN"


  • -i is the ssh keypath and identityfile
  • -p is the port number ssh communicates through, default port 22

If global ssh parameters are set, it applies to all configurations. It is possible to set other ssh values on each task. Global SSH keypath and identityfile in use.