Monitor and log

Settings are automatically saved when changed.

Monitor network, error and log settings

  • Monitor network

    • monitor the network connection during execution of tasks
    • if a network connection is dropped during execution, RsyncUI sends an interrupt signal to the task and it halts with an error
  • Check for error in output

    • if the word error is discovered in output from rsync it is notified
    • se below
  • Add summary logrecord

    • by default on, a summary only of each synchronization is added to the logrecords, view Log Listings from Sidebar
  • Log summary logfile

    • by default off, there is also possible to add a short summary to the logfile
      • timestamp
      • last twenty lines of output from rsync which includes a summary of the task
  • Confirm execute

    • see below

The log file is stored at $HOME/.rsyncosx/macserial/rsyncui.txt. The logfile can be opened from the main view.

Error output rsync

Sample of error in output from rsync. If switch Check for error in output is on RsyncUI writes the output to logfile and Alerts the user about error in rsync.

Confirm execute

This option is only available if version 3.x of rsync is enabled.

The confirm dialog if number of files to synchronize is like a new task. Sometimes a remote server or local disk is unavailable or forgotten to attach. If you commence a synchronize task unaware of destination resource is not available, rsync might believe this is a new full synchronize and a dialog confirms synchronize or abort

  • if a remote server is unavailable rsync will most likely complain and throw an error, if check for error in output in user settings is enabled, the rsync error messages written to log and an Alert informing about it will occur
  • if a local disk is not attached rsync will try to synchronize data to /Volumes/ catalog on your mac, this catalog is normally where macOS mounts local attached disks
/dev/disk5s2 on /Volumes/Import bilder (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noowners)
/dev/disk6s1 on /Volumes/Backups (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noowners)

Below the local attached volume is not connected, the estimate may think there is a new synchronize task. If you just forgot to attach the disk you dont want RsyncUI to synchronize data to the /Volume catalog.

When the switch is on RsyncUI ask to confirm synchronize.

Last modified October 6, 2024: update (8eacf49)