About changes

Code Refactoring and Review:

RsyncUI comprises approximately 200 Swift files and 14,700 lines of code. This includes the main repository for RsyncUI and four Swift Packages for RsyncUI. Notably, RsyncUI does not rely on external libraries; it is constructed using default Swift libraries and Swift/SwiftUI code exclusively.

While RsyncUI maintains stability, certain sections of the code may require periodic review. Refactoring is generally beneficial, enhancing code readability, efficiency, and maintainability. However, it is essential to acknowledge that refactoring may occasionally yield unexpected outcomes.

Main Repository:

  • RsyncUI - The primary repository for RsyncUI.

  • RsyncArguments - Generate parameters for rsync based on configurations.

  • sshCreateKey - Assist in creating an SSH identity file and key using RsyncUI.

    • Generate an RSA-based SSH key for default and user-defined keys, including the SSH port number.
  • DecodeEncodeGeneric - Generic code for decoding and encoding JSON data.

  • ParseRsyncOutput - Parse and extract numerical values from the output of rsync. This data is used to display details and log results for synchronized tasks.

Last modified December 8, 2024: Update (bca2ce8)